A complete line of agricultural machinery may be seen at Stara stand in Agrishow 2018, and the great advantage is that all of it has its own technology, developed by the company and embedded on the machines.
Topper 5500 is the controller for Precision Farming that features Stara machinery. Its touchscreen provides easy operation and interactivity between machine and user. There are several types of visualizations available at the same screen, what provides the operator with more details of a certain angle of view of the work, according to the position of the cameras. All machinery calibrations are made through a setup assistant that allows the operator to easily and objectively calibrate and set up the machine. The machinery dimensions are set and indicated with a 3D illustration. The alarms activated at Topper 5500 are passed and reported through the machine’s audio system, preventing faults in operation and providing convenience to the operator.
Telemetria Stara is another great differential, because it provides real-time information about planting, spreading and spraying application rates. In any device with internet access it is possible to monitor the operations, where you receive a lot of information about the work, such as fields, application map, area worked, area applied, percentage of overlap, average speed, location of machine, rate of seeds and fertilizers applied and latest updates. This is all possible through the connection between information from the Precision Farming controller, Topper 5500, and a mobile device, either a computer, smartphone or tablet. In addition, through the connectable platform, the information of Telemetria Stara that is stored in the cloud can be connected with management systems of the property, providing more agility and quality for decision making.
Stara Row by Row Shutoff system, available for Stara planters, automatically shuts off the planting rows exactly when the monitor detects an area where planting has been previously performed. Consequently, the overlap of planting rows does not occur, mainly in finishing and border areas, providing significant economy of seeds and eliminating the competition between plants, increasing productivity in these areas.
Another new feature is the compatibility of the agricultural machinery with platform Climate FieldView™. All Stara planting line connected with Precision Farming controllers Topper 4500 and 5500 enables the use of the works at the platform, through the conversion of Stara files to the format that Climate uses, by using software Topper Maps.
Released in Brazil in May 2017, the platform Climate FieldView™ automatically collects and processes field data in a simple and integrated way, generating real-time maps and reports – all available through smartphones, tablets or computers -, what helps farmers correct problems fast and make decisions at the right moment. Since August 2017, Veris, Stara electric conductivity reader, is compatible with the platform.
To see more details about the technologies available for Stara machinery, visit www.stara.com.br.