Today, April 9th, it starts another edition of Tecnoshow Comigo, a fair held in Rio Verde, Goiás. For the fair, Stara is bringing its complete line of agricultural machinery, with focus on planter Absoluta, Stara technologies and Consorcio Stara.
Absoluta has now other 3 models of planters, besides the ones released in 2017. Absolutas 34 – 32, 32 – 30 and 28 – 26 follow the same end-to-end precise planting concept, reaching now a greater number of farmers. Absolutas are pneumatic planters developed to offer fast and efficient planting where the fertilization occurs in a separate operation. Absoluta has a factory-made technology pack, with Topper 5500, Telemetria Stara and Row by Row Shutoff system.
In order to facilitate the access of farmers to this machinery and technology, Stara provides its Consorcio (a group of persons joined together for the acquisition of durable goods through drawings) with the best market conditions and plans of up to 100 monthly installments.
The fair goes up to the 13th, and it is considered one of the main fairs of farming technology in the Midwest Region of Brazil.