After the release of the articulated pneumatic planter Absoluta 44 in Agrishow 2017, Stara releases, in Show Rural Coopavel, three other Absoluta models. They follow the same concept of end-to-end precise planting, now reaching a higher number of farmers with models Absoluta 34 – 32, Absoluta 32 – 30 and Absoluta 28 – 26.
The Absolutas are pneumatic planters developed to offer agility and efficiency in planting where fertilization of the field occurs in a different operation.
The new Absolutas have chassis split in 3 modules, what enables to copy the terrain relief, providing end-to-end planting with quality and precision, that is, the seed placement depth is the same for all planting rows, even on uneven terrains. They feature a more efficient cutting of straw through the 22-inch disk blades.
Another advantage of Absoluta is the Row by Row Shutoff System, which automatically shuts off the planting rows exactly when the monitor detects an area that has been previously worked. This system prevents the overlap of planting rows, mainly in finish areas and borders, resulting in economy of seeds and increasing productivity in these areas.
The 3 new models have an exclusive transportation system, wheelset with 8 tires with a unique rocker arm system, seed tank with capacity of up to 3000 kg and DPS system (Stara Precision Seed Distribution) that provides precise and efficient planting, besides Topper 5500 and Telemetria Stara.