On April 11th, Stara brought together about 100 employees and the company’s direction for a breakfast with the President, held at the company’s cafeteria.
Employees of many sectors were welcomed by the CEO of Stara, Gilson Trennepohl, the vice president Susana Stapelbroek Trennepohl, the directors Márcio Fülber, Cicero Ferreira, Fábio Bocasanta, Cristiano Buss and Lucas Arend and the HR manager, Volmir Amann. Initially, the corporate video of the company was showed, followed by the speech of the CEO. “We went through a delicate moment in the country and it has reflected in our day to day as a company as well. We have made efforts to remain competitive in the market because we believe in our potential, the potential of each of our employees and the products we produce in Stara”, said Gilson Trennepohl.
Gilson also used the parable “everything will pass” to show employees that both the bad times and the good ones are passing. “The very good moments and the bad moments pass. Great crops give place to affected crops. So it will happen to this moment we are going through. With the commitment of each of us, it will pass”, said the CEO.
Breakfast with the President aims to approach employees to his colleagues and the direction, and the guests are responsible for disseminating in their sectors the information received on this occasion. The next edition of the breakfast is scheduled for the month of May.