Stara has always had innovation and evolution in its DNA as primer values. The history of Leandro Silveira Pavão is no different. During its saga, achieving development has always been constant. Today, Leandro owns a company, Geonutri Agricultura de Precisão. It has 20 Hércules spreaders to meet the needs of his customers.

Leandro comes from a family who had a small farm and cultivated coffee grains in the town of Jesuítas, in the state of Paraná. His love for agriculture made him study in an Agricultural School, in the state of Santa Catarina to become skilled in agriculture. In 2005, Leandro decided to open a company, that would provide loaning project services and consultant as an agricultural technician.

In 2009, he enrolled to major in Agronomy, and in 2011, two farmers, who Leandro would provide services, asked him to apply variable rates and collect a soil sample. This was when an idea of a new project started. Leandro says: “They used a lime spreader with a variable rate motor, but there was nobody for soil sample collecting. Then, in 2012, I assembled a structure for soil sample analysis and provided my collecting analysis service so they could perform the application. But they ended up not performing the application and I kept the maps and the opportunity to perform applications. Then, in 2013, I decided to acquire a lime spreader for trucks and start providing this service”.

That is the beginning of the history about Leandro and Stara. “In 2013, when I decided to acquire a truck, I attended the Show Rural Coopavel. Choosing to buy Hércules was because I already knew the reseller and especially the Stara After-Sales Service , he says.

Ever since, the opportunities began even more, and in 2014 when he was graduating, Leandro visited a power plant, for which, in 2015, he started providing his services. “Back then, I owned a truck and bought another one. Then, the evolution in the application of substances for soil regulation started,” he mentioned.

In addition, Leandro provides the following services: application of substance for soil regulation, spraying, operation of yellow line equipment, and Munck trucks to help the farmers with crop field operations.

He said that, for spreading operations, Hércules spreaders are crucial. “Providing quality service is extremely important and the implement is available most of times, has a low maintenance cost, and makes me able to offer a good price for my service to the customers,” he highlights. For him, it is rewarding to share and build a Constant Evolution along with Stara.