Stara planters have taken over the crop fields in Brazil. The agronomist engineer Mateus Stadler, manager of a farm in Ivaí – state of Paraná, has approved Stara technologies. “We are extremely happy with Princesa Top planter. We can count on Topper controller, variable rate system, the Row-by-Row Shut-Off System, Control System, technologies that have come to contribute in our crop field operations. By just touching the controller screen, you obtain all the equipment configuration, which is an easy way to operate tool combined with state-of-the-art technology”, he highlights.
The farmer Mateus Stadler emphasizes the great planting performance. “Due to the section articulation, it delivers great planting results. It articulates and adjusts its sections according to the terrain characteristics. This feature has added a lot in soybean planting, as much for seed distribution as for boundary finishing. It provides optimum straw cutting, so we haven’t noticed any row unit blocking since then, and no need to replant any area either”, he says.
So, be part of this evolution, and increase your yield and profitability of you crop field with Stara Planting Products!