August has been a hectic month at Stara. On August 2nd and 18th, Stara received more than 630 customers from Brazil and abroad for a very special day: the Wonderful Day. To provide a very special day for the customers so they could meet the Stara factories and see the machines and technologies for themselves.

In the morning, the visitors were taken to see the factory in the city of Carazinho. There, they learned all about the manufacturing process and saw the Stara unit structure. Then, they were welcomed at the headquarters in the town of Não- Me-Toque. They saw a presentation about Stara’s history and evolution and attended a lecture given by Clovis Tavares.

In the afternoon, the customers visited the factory buildings. They saw all the processes and company structures to manufacture its line of agricultural machines and implements. Additionally, they watched a demo of the Stara machines.


Check the testimony of those who participated in this event!

Giorgio Nava, of the city of Rio Verde, in the state of Mato Grosso, has been a company customer since 2015 and came to get to know the company headquarters for a gathering of dads and sons in the town of Não-Me-Toque in 2016. “The name itself explains everything: a fantastic day for the customers to see the Stara facilities. The company is awesome. We see the result of what is being manufactured here in the crop field. I was glad to see how much the factory has grown and changed.”

Franco Stedile, of the city of Caxias do Sul, state of the Rio Grande do Sul, told us he had visited the factory in 2010.  “I was really surprised by the technical quality of the building structures and the organizational system of the factory. There has been a lot of evolution since 2010, as much in the factory processes as in the products. I follow the technical features of the Stara machines and the new technologies, and they always surprise us. It is a constant evolution indeed.”

Dimas Binsfild, of the town of Palmeira das Missões, the state of the Rio Grande do Sul, brought his son Gustavo, who is 14 years old. Dimas was at Stara four years ago. He was surprised by the changes he saw. “The factory size has increased significantly. The structure is incredible. I enjoyed seeing the new assembly process of the pieces of equipment and the machine technologies.”

Gustavo Binsfild loved the machines demo. He follows his dad in the crop field and carefully helped him choose the Estrela planter, “We liked the technology package most: the Row-by-Row Shut-Off System and the  Zero Crop Damage. I found it cool that the Zero Crop Damage automatically shuts off the planting row units where the sprayers and spreaders will further pass over,” he said.

Circe Antoniutti Toaldo of the town of Capinzal, state of Santa Catarina, visited the factory for the first time and was impressed. “We notice plenty of technological innovation and pioneering. Stara is a pioneer when it comes to Precision Agriculture and kept on evolving over the years.” Circe has just started her relationship with Stara. She said that this partnership will only grow.

Gilson Trennepohl, the co-owner, and the vice-chief-executive officer, Mrs. Susana Stapelbroek Trennepohl, were there to share their joy with the customers.

The event finished with a warm celebration dinner. The Stara band entertained the evening. Stara is thankful to every customer who trusts, believes in the strength of agribusiness, and seeks constant evolution and innovation. After all, none of us is as good at all as we all together are.”