In the morning of July 10th, another edition of the Breakfast with the Board was held, gathering about 100 employees from all sectors of the company.
The Breakfast was conducted by Stara vice-president, Átila Stapelbroek Trennepohl, who told the trajectory of the company since its foundation in 1960 until these days, in addition to future objectives of Stara. Stara CEO, Gilson Trennepohl, and Nicole Stapelbroek Trennepohl, a member of the board and representative of the fourth generation of the family to be managing the company, attended the presentation, as well as directors Ricardo Diaz, Cícero Ferreira, Fábio Bocasanta, Cristiano Buss and Lucas Arend.
The Breakfast with the Board is an activity held in the company, aiming to integrate the employees and to share information among all sectors of the company, valuing the participation of the employees.