On July 16, Stara received a group of farmers in the company’s facilities. It were approximately 120 farmers from Rio Grande do Sul and Parana that could know the history, structure and filial from Stara and the products, besides participating of a lecture about Precision Farming.
The farmer Luciano Martins, from Jaguarão, Rio Grande do Sul, knew the Stara in 2006 and was stunned with the dimension that the company took. “We had information about the increase in the number of employees in the last years, but it was impossible to know the physical dimension of the company. To be in here and check this growing aggregates reliability. There is not how a company that are not reputable to have the size from Stara. To be inside the factory brings the farmers closer to the company, it narrow the relations, which is very positive. We learned a lot in this day full of activities”, commented the farmer.
The constant releases from Stara standout for the farmer Márcio Soares, From Ubiratã, Paraná. “The company have evolve a lot in structure and machinery availability as well. That day was very interesting because we could know better about the products, we learned more about it and how to use it better in our daily life. At Stara we are surrounded by people who really know about the products and we also had the opportunity to clear our doubts. I take from here more knowledge, for sure”, said Márcio.
Now, the farmer Ademir Borgio, from Nova Cantu, Paraná, Stara worries in spread knowledge, seeking help the farmers in the search for better results in the farm.
“In the next time I’ll be invited to visit Stara, I’ll ask my son to come. He is an agronomist, he has just graduated, and the machine presentation and lectures aggregate a lot of knowledge. Departing from here, what we are going to do is to look different to our farm; we’ll try to include this technologies we saw here, aiming in the increase of the productivity. We need to produce, because the amount of people to feed in the world is increasing and is up to us to produce. I am son of farmers; I don’t know to do other thing if not this”. Explained the farmer.
The day full of activities had finished with a fraternization among farmers and entertained by the Stara’s Band.